On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 02:12:52AM +0100, Daniel Jonda wrote:
> Thanks for your fast answer.
> I don't want to "run" them. I want to display them on my website
Oh, ok.

> My problem is :
> I have an image gallery, which is configured to have the images folders
> under the cgi-bin. And it isn`t possible to see them on my website.
> http://www.flyerfabrik.de/cgi-bin/gallery/gallery.cgi
Your script runs fine, so it doesn't seem to be a perl problem.

I think it might be a configuration problem of the script it self, it may
be looking for images on /var/www/cgi-bin/gallery/something instead of
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/gallery or the other way around.

Check the source for any reference to the image directory and change it
as appropriate.

> Where can I change the configuration of perl to show these mm-files on
> my website ?
Well, Apache doesn't serve normal files in the cgi-bin directory, he trys
to run them. But the script you use doesn't refer to the image file, but
it serves the image by itself (or so I think by the little I have seen).
The main problem seems to be that the script doesn't find the files, it
lists no image in any category.

So your problem may be the first I told about, or it may be that the
image directory doesn't have the appropriate permissions for the script to
read it and files within it. Make sure the directory has permissions for
execution and reading by the user that apache runs as (normally nobody or
apache) and permissions for reading by that same user. You could just
find /dir -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
find /dir -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;

Luciano Rocha

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