> My first thoughts were to use mod_proxy to forward requests for
> /protected/login to the backend, where the authentication will be
> Then, just redirect the request to another URL behind /protected.  The
> authentication information should be passed as part of the request,
> it not?

Sure, but your proxy server won't be checking to see what it is.  People
could go to any of your proctected pages freely if they know the URL.

Sounds like you're going to a lot of trouble to avoid using standard
auth to me.  There are a number of auth modules out there which don't
need mod_perl, and you may find one that will play nicely with your
backend programs.  Modules that auth against MySQL or LDAP servers

If you're determined to do auth on the backend, I would just let the
backend do the auth and serving of the static pages.  It will dump them
out fast and let the proxy servers do the slow work of dribbling the
bytes out to clients.

- Perrin

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