I use PerlFreshRestart on to reload my modules. This
is the problem I face:
I have
PerlRequire "bin/startup.pl"

which "require"s a lot of perl modules. However, on
restart (kill USR1), mod_perl does something like:
%temp = %INC; %INC = ();
while (($k, $v) = each %temp)) { require $k; }

However, here my modules are getting loaded before the
PerlRequire'd is loaded (since %INC is a hash).

First, can some1 suggest a solution for this ?

I'd like to have the PerlRequire modules to load first
before the other modules.
One solution I could think of is to modify
perl_reload_inc() in perl_util.c to load
cls->PerlRequire, before loading anything else.

However, I find that cls->PerlRequire->nelts = 0,
eventhough it's > 0 in perl_starup() in mod_perl.c.
Any clues as to why it's getting reset in
perl_reload_inc ??

Thanx for any suggestions.

(BTW, the same setup works w/o a problem in
mod_perl-1.19 using perl-5.005. Somehow, ordering of
%INC seems to be different in perl-5.6.1)

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