Hi there,

I have a quick and possibly trivial question that has bothered me
for quite a while.

I'm using a DBM as a repository. The DBM is constantly written to by only one
process (the 'writer') that opens it RW. At the same time, many process (the 'reader')
access it *read only*.

I experience the fact that the 'readers' never get the last values
written by the 'writer'. I suspect a problem of flush for the 'writer',
and a problem of synchronisation for the 'reader'.

So my question narrows down to :
How to flush on disk the cache of a tied DBM (DB_File) structure
in a way that any concurrent process accessing it in *read only* mode
would automatically get the new values as soon as they
are published (synchronisation)

Thanks in advance.


Essential Software - Ingénierie Informatique
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