
I develop now my first project on mod_perl. 
When we started to test this project on separate server we faced excess opened
files limit problem. There are no other serious tasks on this server, only 
mysql with project databases and apache. During the work with web interface 
number of open files slowly grows and finally reaches OS limit. 
And this happens with only 2-3 users working with interface !!!
If to restart apache number of open files comes back in norm, so I think that
the problem roots in my way of mod_perl usage.

My scripts use this modules: Apache::Registry, Apache::DBI, HTML::Embperl,
Apache::Store::MySQL, Apache::Lock::File. There are 3 different persistent database 
connections per each httpd child process.

kern.maxfiles: 1064 -- that can be increased of course, but we need to be
sure that number of open files will not grow unlimited

KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
StartServers 5
MaxRequestsPerChild 0

What kind of diagnostics can be done to find out what causes the problem?

Mike Andreev

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