Hey gang. Couldn't find an answer to this in the archives. We have a
DB2 database that we access via mod_perl scripts.  We have been
getting errors in the Apache log files every morning whenever we
first try to access the database. The error is:

[Thu Apr 11 09:09:49 2002] null: DBD::DB2::db selectall_arrayref failed:
LI Driver] CLI0108E  Communication link failure. SQLSTATE=40003 at
achessl/perl/reports/trans_history.pl line 90

It takes a restart of the web server to eliminate this problem.
Is this the "Morning Bug" that I am encountering?  I looked at the
DB2.pm module and it appears that the ping() method has been
implemented so I would think that this would prevent the "Morning
Bug" from showing up.  Should I reimplement the ping() method
according to the Apache::DBI manpage?


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