
For what it's worth I don't have the ::ApacheHandler appended, like:

  <Location /site>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler HTML::Mason

And before this I have:

PerlRequire /usr/local/www_sites/mason_handler.pl

I don't use *.html or whatever because I like not having extensions on my files. Also 
I use the /site prefix so I can have images and other binary files elsewhere from doc. 

You also have the option to filter != text/html in your mason handler per request 
base. That is explained in the default handler coming with Mason.

I don't know if this is the optimal way to do things, but this has been my 
configuration for years - and it works like I want it to - so why change? ;)

(I'm all ears to configuration hints... don't get me wrong)

This reply and your mail should maybe have been sent to the Mason mail list in the 
first place.

Best regards

// Nicolai

-----Original Message-----
From: Mrajesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 3:21 PM
Subject: Errors on Mason

We have installed modperl-enabled ssl-enabled  apache server. 
And we are able to start the https server successfully.( by running    ./httpsdctl 
start ). 
But, when we are sending a https request to the server, it is displaying as "Internal 
Server Error" on Browser. 
As we observed the apache error log file , 
It has given the following error 
[Error] "Undefined subroutine &HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handler called" 
Our httpsd.conf file consists of the following 
PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs 
PerlSetVar MasonDataDir /usr/local/apache/mason 
PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler 
<FilesMatch "*.html"> 
    SetHandler perl-script 
    PerlHandler  HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler 
We are unable to guess the error. 
Could you please mail me the solution. 

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