Log is attached.  I'm amused with this line:

handle_command (Alias "/perl/" "/home/vhosts/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net/perl/"): OK

That looks right, but I *still* get a 404 error:

                                                                 404 Not Found 
                                   Not Found                                    
   The requested URL /perl/ was not found on this server.                       
    Apache/1.3.24 Server at linuxhelp.mirkwood.net Port 80                   

[Fri Apr 19 21:33:08 2002] [error] [client x.x.x.x] File does not exist: 
(note it's still trying to go to htdocs/perl/)

ls -d /home/vhosts/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net/perl/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Apr 15 02:07

Hope that helps.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 03:37:35PM -0500, Salvador Ortiz Garcia babbled thus:
> Subject: Re: Problem with <Perl> sections in httpd.conf, mod_perl 1.26
> From: Salvador Ortiz Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: PinkFreud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.0.3 
> Date: 19 Apr 2002 15:37:35 -0500
> On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 01:43, PinkFreud wrote:
> > Here's a bit more information:
> > 
> > Given two directives:
> >         $VirtualHost{$host}->{Alias} = [ '/perl/', "$vhostdir/$dir/perl/" ];
> >         $VirtualHost{$host}->{Alias} = $vhost{config}->{Alias};
> > 
> > The first works.  The second does not.  According to
> > Apache::PerlSections->dump, %VirtualHost is *exactly* the same when
> > using both directives - yet it seems the server ignores the Alias
> > directive when it's assigned from $vhost{config} (either that, mod_perl
> > fails to pass it to the server).
> > Also, if I set a variable within httpd.conf to mimic $vhost{config} and
> > then assign that to $VirtualHost{$host}, it works without a problem.
> > The issuse is definitely with the variable being read in from an
> > external file.
> > 
> > Strange, no?
> Yes, weird.
> I'm hunting any remaining bugs related to <Perl> Sections.
> Can you please test the attached patch vs 1.26? (please forget about the
> patch posted by Michel, it is mine and in CVS now, but in this I'm
> trying a more radical approach and checking for the proper nesting of
> directives)
> Then try to reproduce your problems under MOD_PERL_TRACE=ds (see the
> DEBUGGIN section in the mod_perl man page), thats is, compile mod_perl
> with PERL_TRACE=1 and run your Apache in single process mode:
>   # MOD_PERL_TRACE=ds <path_to_your>/httpd -X
> And please post the generated log.
> Regards.
> Salvador Ortiz


        Mike Edwards

Brainbench certified Master Linux Administrator
Unsolicited advertisments to this address are not welcome.
loading perl module 'Apache'...loading perl module 'Apache::Constants::Exports'...ok
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Status'
pushing `Apache::Status' into `PerlHandler' handlers
[Fri Apr 19 21:32:57 2002] [warn] module mod_php4.c is already added, skipping
[Fri Apr 19 21:32:57 2002] [warn] module mod_ssl.c is already added, skipping
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
loading perl module 'Tie::IxHash'...not ok
Warn: Directive `<vhost' not found in handle_command_av!
LocationMatch OK
perl_section: <VirtualHost linuxhelp.mirkwood.net>
perl_section: <Location /perl/>
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Registry'
pushing `Apache::Registry' into `PerlHandler' handlers
PerlHandler Apache::Registry (OK) Limit=no
Options ExecCGI (OK) Limit=no
SetHandler perl-script (OK) Limit=no
perl_section: </Location>
Location OK
DocumentRoot /home/vhosts/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net/htdocs (OK) Limit=no
Group users (OK) Limit=no
ServerAdmin test@vhost (OK) Limit=no
handle_command (Alias "/perl/" "/home/vhosts/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net/perl/"): OK
CustomLog /home/vhosts/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net/logs/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net.access_log 
combined (OK) Limit=no
User sauron (OK) Limit=no
ServerName linuxhelp.mirkwood.net (OK) Limit=no
ErrorLog /home/vhosts/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net/logs/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net.error_log 
(OK) Limit=no
handle_command (ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" 
"/home/vhosts/linuxhelp.mirkwood.net/cgi-bin/"): OK
ServerAlias linuxhelp (OK) Limit=no
perl_section: </VirtualHost>
perl_section: <VirtualHost orodruin.rivendell.mirkwood.net>
CustomLog /var/log/apache/orodruin.access_log combined (OK) Limit=no
ServerAlias orodruin (OK) Limit=no
ProxyPassReverse / http://orodruin.mirkwood.net:80/ (OK) Limit=no
ServerName orodruin.mirkwood.net (OK) Limit=no
ErrorLog /var/log/apache/orodruin.error_log (OK) Limit=no
ProxyPass / http://orodruin.mirkwood.net:80/ (OK) Limit=no
perl_section: </VirtualHost>
VirtualHost OK
Directory OK
Location OK
FilesMatch OK
Files OK
DirectoryMatch OK
Limit OK

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