Since I have been unable to use Open3 effectively on my Win32, I am looking
for some alternatives.
BTW, one of my goals is to make the scripts relatively platform independent
-- and therefore I am leaving Open3 and its IPC::Run cousin behind.

I have a set of f77 libraries that I know can be compiled on a variety of
platforms (Win, UN*X, Mac).  For now, I have created an executable on my
Win32, whereby it takes STDIN for input and returns results as STDOUT.  

Is it possible to write a simple C wrapper to the f77 library, and then link
to Perl as a module?

I have never written a lick of code other than "Hello, World!", and I am not
looking to be an expert in C.  I just want to get the libraries up and
functioning.  I know this may not be the best place to ask. . .but I thought
others might have a fair amount experience with IPC in its many forms. . .



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