If I understand it correctly, Apache::Session::Oracle uses a table
called "sessions" with at least two columns, one called "id", of type
"varchar2(32)", and another called "a_session", of type "long". 

Say I want to store a pair of things in sessions: a reference to an
object of type User (which includes a reference to an object of type
UserManager) and a timestamp to know when we received the last request
from that session. Apart from that reference in the user, both classes
consist of primitive attributes, IDs, names, strings with SQL, and the

    1. Is the reference to the user storable? (My doubt here is "what
       kind of things are not serializable" indeed, I have a vague idea
       of this, I think I cannot store a reference to a db handler, or
       a file handle, but I cannot respond accurately to that question
       in general.)
    2. Do I need to create more columns in the table or everything goes
       to the "a_session" column? 
    3. Could one set up things in a way that allows the database to see
       the timestamps and program a trigger to delete old sessions? Or
       is there a standard idiom for doing this in a different way?

Thank you very much,

-- fxn

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