On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, F. Xavier Noria wrote:

>     3. Could one set up things in a way that allows the database to see
>        the timestamps and program a trigger to delete old sessions? Or
>        is there a standard idiom for doing this in a different way?
        thats what i usually do ... just add a column to the table named
'ts' with the default value of 'sysdate' then cull the values with a
trigger (not the program!)
        if your cracking open someone else's code for something why not
add a few other tid bits like the CGI::remote_user(), CGI::self_url() to
it (as separate nullable columns) as well if($debug) so that you can
easily track down any problems that might be occuring when you interface
with your own CGI's.

Gabriel Millerd |               Life can be so tragic -- you're
Script Monkey   |                here today and here tomorrow.

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