Ricky wrote:
> When running under apache::perlrun, the script sometimes crash.

I agree with Stas that if you fix the problems with your script running 
under "strict" this will most likely go away.

> In mod_perl manual said that the script usually run in apache::perlrun 
> widthout change but not in my script.

One thing that often causes problems is old Perl4-style library files. 
If you have functions that you load from some .pl files which have no 
package name and are pulled into the main namespace, you should change 
them into real Perl5-style modules.  There are lots of reasons you 
should fix this; mod_perl is just one of them.

> And I can't add "use strict" because it will crash the script immediatelly.
> In error_log show :
> "Variable "%in" is not imported at /home/httpd/html/scdf/scdf.plx line 174."
> "Global symbol "$sth" requires explicit package name at 
> /home/httpd/html/scdf/scdf.plx line 171."

If you've read the documentation and you still need help understanding 
how to program with the "strict" pragma, I suggest looking on 

> Is it a good decision try to move to mod_perl because the implementation time 
> is slow.
> Is there any other tech that easier/more faster than mod_perl?
> How about PHP or JSP?

It will be much faster to fix your CGI scripts so they run under 
mod_perl than to re-write them in PHP or JSP.

- Perrin

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