On Tuesday 30 April 2002 03:44 pm, you wrote:
> You better fix these errors, and keep 'use strict' in place. Then
> PerlRun should work without any problems in most cases. If after fixing
> those problems you still have problems, come back with your relevant
> questions again.

> It's a good idea to have your code running under 'use strict' no matter
> if you  use mod_perl or not. This will save you a lot of grief in a long
> run.
I agree with Stas that if you fix the problems with your script running 
under "strict" this will most likely go away.

I see, thank you for the suggestion.
There are so many error in the script, usually related with global variable.
I change/add this in the script.

global variable: use var qw($myvar $in);

local variable: my $myvar;

I still don't know how to change this variable:

local($long, $lat, $level);

[error] PerlRun: 'Global symbol "$long" requires explicit package name at 

> It depends on your definition of "easier".
> Easier==sloppier: better stay away from mod_perl.
> Easier==more flexible: go with mod_perl.
> As for the speed, I doubt you will find something *significantly* faster
> than mod_perl. Assuming that you learn how to get the most our of mod_perl.
It will be much faster to fix your CGI scripts so they run under 
mod_perl than to re-write them in PHP or JSP.
I see.
Well, we will try to porting 1 big script to see the speed different.
Any help would be great

> [p.s. please make sure you reply back to the list!]
Ok :)

Best Regards,


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