Hi All, 

We are currently building a mod_perl application that has a content
management component in it. 

After editing a page, we want to be able to give people a 'Preview your
site' ability where they are view a 'preview/staged' mode of their site.

The 'staged' version of their site is stored in a different directory,
and if i could just changed the document_root dynamically, most(?) of
our issues would be over. 

Is there a way to do this? The documentation does not have any reference
to be able to change the document root (just get it via


ps: We are intending on having something like where when people go to
    http://www.testsite.com/preview/contactus/index.html we strip out
    the "/preview" from the URL (i assume i can change this via
    $r->uri... and change the document root from 
    /home/www/testsite.com/current to /home/www/testsite.com/stage

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