At 09:59 17.05.2002, simran wrote:
>ps: We are intending on having something like where when people go to
> we strip out
>     the "/preview" from the URL (i assume i can change this via
>     $r->uri... and change the document root from
>     /home/www/ to /home/www/

You can't change the document root, but you don't necessarily need to 
either. You could set up an alias in httpd.conf
<VirtualHost foo>
Alias /preview/ /home/www/

Or you could use a generic URI translation handler which would do the URI 
translation, running in /preview
<Location /preview>
PerlTransHandler My::Foo
then My::Foo maps the URI to a filename or something like that.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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