Hi all,
    I'm actually working on a application for generating dynamic virtual
host and locations in these virtual host from a web interface.
    The purpose of this application is to give a non-administrator the
possibility of adding on the fly virtualhost to a webserver without
modifying httpd.conf and to add locations to a specific virtualhost.

    So far I've manage to do the part of generating the httpd.conf file
through <Perl> sections which takes all the necessary data from a MySQL
server. The tricky part is to update the server configuration without
having to restart the server. I've looked on the web and in the archives
of the
mailing list and found things about using the PerlInitHandler. I didn't
tested it but I'm quite worried about the overhead of connecting to the
to check modification times of the virtual host entries.

    So my question would be : what will be the more efficient way to
update my configuration against a database ?

Thanks for answers and ideas,


ps: my configuration : apache 1.3.24/mod_perl 1.26 on a linux box.

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