On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 11:40:49AM +0100, Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
> Hi JAPHs,
> Is it possible to force a 404-error from within a mod_perl CGI?
> I am working on my CMS and I want to generate a 404 if the user hacks
> the URI in a certain way: i.e, if the use passes a value in the URI that
> does reference a database record.  I can (and have) trapped such an
> event and thus I can display the appropriate "Not found" warning by
> using a CGI.pm redirect to my 404 page, but using redirect obviously
> updates the URL (as displayed on the browsers address line) to that of
> the 404 page, whereas I want the URL to continue to display the users
> request.
> Can I do this?



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