On Fri, 17 May 2002, Jie Gao wrote:

> use Apache::Constants qw(:common :response M_GET M_POST AUTH_REQUIRED REDIRECT);

the :response group in 1.x consists of names which apache has deprecated 
in 1.3.x and removed in 2.0, for which there are HTTP_* names that replace 
the old names.  so for example, if you had imported the :response group to 
use 'BAD_GATEWAY', you should instead explicity import HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, 
which will work with both 1.x and 2.x.

> If I take out response, it croaks at "REDIRECT".

i've added REDIRECT to the list of shortcut names which apache had 
deprecated, but are common/handy enough to carry forward with modperl.
the full list of shortcut names supported in modperl2 that are deprecated 
in apache (in favor of the long-winded HTTP_ names):


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