At 16:00 29.05.2002, Arnold van Kampen wrote:

>I have been going through the code example on
>(XSP, Taglibs and Pipelines)
>I  noticed I get a problem with
>PerlWarn On
>PerlTaintCheck On
>in httpd.conf.
>So, when I turn PerlWarn Off and PerlTaintCheck Off it works.
>Main error message:
>[AxKit] [Error] Insecure dependency in eval while running with -T switch
>at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i586-linux/Apache/AxKit/Language/
>line 109.

This is AxKit and not mod_perl's fault. AxKit doesn't seem to be taint 
safe. You might want to get them to change it (unlikely, it'd be a pretty 
long job :) or turn off PerlTaintCheck.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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