Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> We're currently struggling for an easy way to distribute our 
> apache/mod_perl/mod_ssl-based application to our data center folks who 
> are in a different state and whom we must presume know nothing about 
> apache, mod_perl or mod_ssl and are capable of nothing more complicated 
> than using RPM to install/update a package. 
> As such, does there exist such a thing as an RPM that installs apache 
> with mod_perl AND mod_ssl enabled?  I presume this would also have to 
> include openssl.  I can only imagine what a pain it would be to create 
> this beast, but if it's been done, I'd like to give it a try.
> I have used my limited experience with RPM to try to build this kind of 
> thing, but so far the closest I've gotten is to have an RPM that 
> includes the four tarballs with a shell script to compile them on the 
> target machine.  Of course this really isn't in the spirit of RPM and 
> also, fails miserably when the target machine is a hardened machine with 
> no compiler, for example. :-)
> Does such a thing exist, and what are some pros and cons of going this 
> route?
> Personally, I would hate to have to rely on an RPM like this, not least 
> because I'd have to learn how to modify it if it doesn't meet our needs, 
> but we need to make the application install as easy as possible for the 
> data center folks.  Thoughts?

Take an existing src RPM (.spec) and adjust it the way you want. Here 
are some RPMs:

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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