> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 15:11

> You can store anything in Apache::Session; it's just a persistent hash

> table.  However, storing query results based on a user's session is
> a good idea!  What if your users open up two browser windows and tries

> to do a search in each one?  Server-side session data is global to all

> browser windows, so they'll get bizarre and incorrect results.

Agreed, but he wasn't talking about storing the results, just the query
parameters and current offset / number of rows, which is a-ok for
putting into a session.

some query session do's and don'ts...

Don't forget that you can have multiple sessions - store the query
params in a session identified by a query_id so that subsequent requests
just say something like: <A

Don't mix transient query sessions with a User Session that stores info
about the user's logged in state etc. It would be normal for one user to
have multiple queries in a login session

Don't bother passing the query ids in cookies, they are not browser
session specific. Just use the query_id as a parameter in the
first/next/prev/last links as exampled above. You can then have a web
control page that handles multiple queries simultaneously

Do put the user_id into the query session and check it against the
user_id in the User session to prevent query hijack

> My suggestions would be to have a separate cache just for query

Or even to use a database that has a decent approach to caching. MySQL
promises automatic cacheable paged queries in the near future. And if
you write your own DB cache, you then need to manage the DB / cache
synch issues, cache size, cache expiry etc etc issues. Good cache is
very hard to do! better to get it from a real data bank.

> From: Vuillemot, Ward W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 14:58

> I want to be able to remember the last query so that I can return
> results into multple pages along with memory of where in the stack I
am at.
> The easiest would to be store the query parameters along with the
> information. . .but I do not want to use Apache::Session as I believe 
> that has too much overhead for this sort of thing.

Apache::Session is just what you want here! It is an easy peasy way to
remember things on the server, and you can implement it with whatever
type of storage underneath that you want [e.g. database] so that you can
even share sessions when your query is being served by multiple web
servers. If you look through the source, you will see that the overhead
is minimal. You can specialise the session persistence mechanism if you
want to for example store the key => value pairs as visible records in
the DB rather than a serialised blob.



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