Rob Nagler wrote:
> Stateful instances are also problematic.  You have essentially two
> paths through the code: first time and subsequent time.  If you write
> the code statelessly, there is only one path.  Fewer bugs, smaller
> code, less development.

I find you can tie this cache stuff up inside of your data access 
objects and make it all transparent to the other code.  That worked 
really well for me.  There are hooks for this in some of the O/R mapping 
modules on CPAN.

> Sessions are caches.

One of the things Java programmers often do wrong is cache general data 
in the session, because the servlet API makes it so easy to do.  But 
most data that people cache (as we're seeing in this discussion about 
search params) is not user-specific and thus doesn't belong in the 
session (i.e. everyone who searches for "foosball" gets the same result).

A session is useful for very limited things, like remembering if this 
user is logged in and linking him to a user_id.  Almost everything else 
belongs either in separate database tables or in the query args passed 
on each page.

> Oracle will cache the query compilation and results so it is very fast
> (basically a round-trip to database server) for the second query.
> We execute these two queries on every paged list on every request.

Although Oracle can be fast, some data models and application 
requirements make it hard to do live queries every time and still have 
decent performance.  This is especially true as traffic starts to climb. 
  That's when you can add in some caching and take a lot of stress off 
the database.  There are a million ways to implement caching, from 
denormalized tables to replicated databases to BerkeleyDB to mod_proxy 
and most web applications have some data that is read-only or close to 
it.  (I know that yours deals with financial data, so in your case it 
may actually have to be all real-time data.)

- Perrin

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