Andreas J. Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>If you had a chance to log into PAUSE, I can send you instructions how
>to start a server for testing. Requirement to provoke the SEGV seems
>to be
>- upload a file (which I do via Apache::Request) and
>- submit some menu item that sends mail (which I do via Mail::Mailer),
>  e.g. change your name
>I seem to recall, that once I needed yet another mail sending action,
>but I'm not sure.

Is this apache running multi-threaded? or just serially ?

IIRC the back trace the SEGV was in stdio rather than in perl itself,
suggesting that something else (the child?, another thread?) had done
something nasty to the FILE *.

Does it work with PERLIO=perlio or  Configure -Ud_stdstdio ? 

> >> #4  0x816fc96 in Perl_my_popen (my_perl=0x82ffcc8, cmd=0x8a073f1 "-", 
> >> mode=0xbffff828 "w") at util.c:2080
> doug> looks like something along the lines of:
> doug> open my $foo, '|-' or ...;
>This is indeed done by Mail::Mailer.
Nick Ing-Simmons

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