
Tried to run some benchmarking tests on a cgi generated web page comparing a
light and heavy server.
ab worked fine when testing the script run by the Apache 2.0.39 light server

ab reported failure when testing the same script running on Apache
2.0.40-dev with mod-perl 1.99

Both worked and looked fine when viewed via a browser.

Looking at the source code for each page via the browser I found that the
only difference between
the pages was that the first couple of lines in the mod-perl enabled server

<?xml version ="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1">
<!DOCTYPE html

while the first line of the page served by the light server is just
<!DOCTYPE html

The cgi script which generates the page has in it

use CGI '-no_xhtml';

In my /conf/ script for the mod-perl server I tried

use CGI '-no_xhtml';

But that didn't stop the xml line from showing up.

So two questions:

Why does ab break when it sees <?xml version ... as the first line  (IF that
is the problem)? and
How do I get the mod-perl server to honor "use CGI '-no_xhtml'; " ?

Thank you,
John Kent
Naval Research Laboratory
Monterey, CA

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