I've been running Apache::LogFile to create a piped log through rotatelogs 
and have experienced some problems.

I created a log file that had 2271 entries in it for one hour.

Out of these 2271 entries, 622 of them occured on the same second and wrote 
to the log properly (one entry per line).

However, there were 5 entries in the file where two entries from the same 
second had no line break in between them.

I was wondering if anyone had similair experiences with Apache::LogFile or 

Thanks for the help!
Jim Spath

push@J,[($")x70]for 0..20;sub p{$J[$q][$p]=$_;print"\e[H\e[J";print@$_,$/for@J
;$J[$q][$p]=$"}sub f{sprintf"%.f",pop}for('Just another Perl hacker.'=~/./g){$
t=/ /and$J[20][$X++]=$_,next;{$x=70+$t*($X-70)*.8;$y=20-63.25*$t+50*$t**2;last

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