* JOSE SOLE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-07-08 14:24]:
> I am trying to use Apache::AuthenCache as my authentication handler
> for my server.  I keep getting a FORBIDDEN error each time I try to
> access the index.html page by only typing the URL up to the directory.
> Example:
> http://elvis.arl.psu.edu:9092/footer
> http://elvis.arl.psu.edu:9092/footer/
> http://elvis.arl.psu.edu:9092/footer/index.html

Add some debugging to the handler to ensure that the client is sending
the WWW-Authenticate header to both /footer and /footer/.  The
browser sees them as different locations (the first is a file named
footer, the second is a directory name footer), and possibly doesn't
consider the first to be within the auth realm for which it has a

Apache's mod_dir usually Does The Right Thing here, when given the
chance; are you using a perl-handler on Location /?


It is wrong always, everywhere and for everyone to believe
anything upon insufficient evidence.
    -- W. K. Clifford, British philosopher, circa 1876

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