Thanks for the info, its exactly what I needed.


Stas Bekman wrote:

> Peter Rothermel wrote:
> > Stas Bekman wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Peter Rothermel wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>PerlChildInitHandler Apache::foo->loadkey
> >>>
> >>>Will the genkey method get execute at the
> >>>initialization of each thread?
> >>
> >>Apache doesn't provide such a hook yet. May be in the future.
> >>
> >>child_init is for child process init, not threads.
> >>
> >>what are you trying to do?
> >
> >
> > I'm encrypting/decrypting data within cookies that are holding session keys
> > for authentication purposes.  I decrypt the session key within the cookie data,
> > whenever I get an http request that has a cookie in the header.
> >
> > The RSA keys that I use for encrytion/decryption are regenerated when the Apache
> > server is started.  My module has a load_key subroutine that I call before I do any
> > encryption or decryption.  This returns a RSA object that is initialized with a 
> > var that hold a 2048 bit RSA key.  If the global var is empty I generate a new key.
> >
> > The code works OK but I seem to be generating a 2048 bit key the first time
> > that a user logs into my site. This key generation takes awhile. I would prefer
> > generating the key when server/thread/interupter is started. I was hoping that
> > a PerlClhildInitHandler could be used to call the gen_key subroutine to load
> > the data into global var $private_key_string.
> There are a few possible approaches to this:
> 1. for mod_perl to provide hooks for the following events:
>     interp_init       (INIT)
>     interp_destroy    (DESTROY)
> so these can be run when a new interpreter is initialized after it has
> been cloned and when it's going to be destroyed.
> 2. Using the thread interpreter pool mechanism for managing other items.
> But it's not clear whether this interface will ever have a Perl API,
> because threads::shared already does that.
> 3. Build a pool based on threads::shared. Similar to what Doug has
> described in his overview:
> and which is now doable in pure Perl based on threads::shared. This is
> an interesting vacant module, but really you can just duplicate the
> concepts that Doug has described in the URL above. You want to be able
> to add new items, remove them, pop and push from the pool.
> should it be called Threads::TIPool as coined by Doug? (Thread Items Pool)
> Using this (currently not-existing) module you can create a pool of keys
> at the server startup and then use them whenever you need a key at run time.
> This is the same concept that the threaded version of Apache::DBI is
> going to use, and AFAIK is vacant as well. The challenge is to make it
> possible to have modules like Apache::DBI work transparently under
> various mpms, including the preforked and perchild mpms.
> __________________________________________________________________
> Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>     mod_perl Guide --->

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