On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Josh Bernstein wrote:
> >    After just upgrading to mod_perl2 with Apache2. My current @INC path
> > includes a "." on the end, which should  reference the current working
> > directory, and therefore correctly locate include locate in the script's
> > working directory. The problem is that the Working Directory is set to
> > "/". My question is how can I set the working directory to be the
> > location of where the script is running..... (This would make mod_perl
> > correctly locate file that I have included in the running script ie:
> > require "./file.pl")  Can this be done from within Apache?
> >
> >    I've tried variations of PerlSetEnv but I can't seem to get it to
> > work. I've even read the mod_perl2 user's guide. Thanks for your help..
> chdir is not a thread-safe function, (there is only one CWD per
> application) therefore the new ModPerl::Registry doesn't chdir to the
> dir of the script. We have discussed various workarounds on the dev
> list, but none of them has been applied yet.
> http://mathforum.org/discussions/epi-search/modperl-dev.html
> (search for 'chdir thread')

Arthur told me he either had, or was going to fix this (on IRC).

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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