Sounds great? Does he have anything that I could play with? I'm really 
dying for that chdir(), my programmer says he depends on that 
functionality. I'd even volunteer to do some benchmarks and what not 
associated with the extra overhead of making the function thread safe.

If its not really yet, what do you feel is currently the best work 
around? I've read through the archives and I'm just try to figure which 
one to use...


Stas Bekman wrote:

> Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
>> At 06:10 PM 7/16/02 +0000, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>>> Arthur told me he either had, or was going to fix this (on IRC).
>>> Yup, Arthur is working on an external package 
>>> (ex::threads::safecwd?) which should solve this problem. Viva 
>>> Arthur! I'll keep you updated once it gets released.
>> Check out Arthur's article on
> I read the article ;) The article doesn't say that there is going to 
> be a module that will do all this work for you. I just wanted to share 
> the happy news that such a module is about to emerge.
> Most of the people don't care how things are implemented, they just 
> want to know that the API they use is thread-safe, which is how it 
> should be with chdir() and friends.
> Though you realize that that this wrapper will incur a certain 
> overhead, which needs to be benchmarked. And if that overhead is of 
> any significant value, we should provide a switch to turn if off for 
> those who don't rely on chdir() and therefore can get a better 
> performance. I'm talking mainly about the Registry family in this 
> case, but I can see that this functionality could be provided on the 
> mod_perl core level (PerlSafeCwd flag?).
> __________________________________________________________________
> Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>     mod_perl Guide --->

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