Tim Keefer wrote:
> I need to have several database connections within one modperl 
> application (sharing the connections across all modules would ideal).  
> Could anyone suggest a way to cache these connection with 
> Apache2/modperl2 on win32?

> The modperl2 docs talk about a TIPool module along with a DBIPool 
> module. Has anyone had success using these modules? I can't seem to find 
> them in the apache2/modperl2 distribution from Randy Kobes.
> Thanks for any help,

If you are talking about prefork, Apache::compat with Apache::DBI should do.

If you are talking about threaded mpms, the TIPool idea stays just as an 
idea, because now we have threads::shared that will do. Just give it 
some time because there is lot of work being done in that direction as 
you read this. Gerald Richter and Tim Bunce are working on the 
thread-safe DBI. A few folks at p5p are creating a bunch of new modules 
around threads:: and threads::shared::, just yesterday a new module: 
Thread::Pool was released by Elizabeth Mattijsen. Which seems to be 
what's needed for Apache::DBITPool. Feel free to join the efforts and 
make things happen faster.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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