Perrin Harkins wrote:
> Despite the intentionally misleading nature of Microsoft's "benchmark", 
> it did get me thinking about what sort of benchmarking options exist for 
> comparing languages and platforms.  The "Hello World" and "Hello 2000" 
> benchmarks are pretty small (understandably so, given that it's one 
> person doing the coding for all environments).  A more realistic 
> benchmark would be nice to have, for PR reasons.
> The benchmark models an on-line bookstore and was used by eWeek 
> Labs as recently as February to compare database performance (using 
> identical Java code and varying the database behind it).  It's a 
> relatively small application and would probably not take a lot of work 
> to implement on mod_perl.  Versions for ASP and JSP already exist and 
> source code is available.

It would be good to see someone do this for mod_perl.  None
of the benchmarks I have done so far get anywhere near testing
the scalability of systems in the real world, and it would
be good to see this done.

As a next step for the hello world benchmarks, I'll probably do
a cross platform benchmark while hitting a MySQL database.  An insert,
delete, update, and 10-20 selects probably, but it will still
be a small code base being hit.

> On a totally different note, it would be fun to see how mod_perl 2 is 
> stacking up on the Hello and Hello 2000 tests.

Will do.

Josh Chamas, Founder                   phone:714-625-4051
Chamas Enterprises Inc.      
NodeWorks Link Checking      

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