On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

> As you may know then the proxy module in httpd 2.0 incorporates the
> X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Server
> functionality of mod_proxy_add_forward.c.

What are the differences between them?

I have:

ProxyPass /my-bin/
ProxyPassReverse /my-bin/

and I still see - - [22/Jul/2002:08:32:53 +1000] "GET /my-bin ....

in the log file of Apache 1.3.26.



> I just noticed that Thomas Eibner got the proxy people to put it
> into apache 1.3 too since 1.3.25.  Yay.  :-)
> mod_proxy even seems to figure it out on it's own when it's doing a
> "reverse proxy" request.
>  - ask (working on his performance tuning talk for oscon)
> --
> ask bjoern hansen, http://askbjoernhansen.com/ !try; do();

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