Hi Stas,

Thank you for your reply!

It worked like a charm! I can't believe I didn't try that:  %Directory
vs. $Directory --- RTFM!


                    Stas Bekman                                                        
                    <stas@stason.        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         
                    org>                 cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]               
                                         Subject:     Re: <perl> section: <Files> 
under <Directory> - whats wrong 
                    07/30/2002           here?                                         
                    10:17 AM                                                           

Peter, there are two problems:

1. you misread the usage explanations

It cannot be:

$Directory = { }

it must be:

%Directory = ().

again for the explanation.


here is a workaround that should solve your problem:

$Directory{'/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/capmon/'} = {
     FilesMatch =>  {
         '\.pl$' => {
             'Options'        => '+ExecCGI',
             'SetHandler'     => 'perl-script',
             'PerlSendHeader' => 'On',
             'PerlHandler'    => 'Apache::Registry'

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