Udlei Nattis wrote:
> hi,
> this problem is stranger
> when i use apache 1.3/modperl 1.27 this problem don't exist
> i think problem is because thread in apache2 or modperl2

That's the thing. I've had the same behavior with apache 1.3/modperl 
1.27, so I don't think this has anything to do with Apache or mod_perl. 
(This is on linux)

> lynx dont have problem because is other instance
> if you open 2 instances of mozilla you dont have problem
> but if you open one mozilla and 5 tab navigator of instance
> problem persist
> []s
> nattis
> Stas Bekman wrote:
>> Stas Bekman wrote:
>>> Alessandro Forghieri wrote:
>>>> Greetings.
>>>> I have observed the same behavior (on win32).
>>>> Scripts that are invoked from the same browser through the same URL 
>>>> appear
>>>> to bind to the same perl thread and are therefore serialized. 
>>>> Changing the URL appears to bind
>>>> the request to a different thread. (My observation regarded access 
>>>> from a
>>>> different <Location>: Udei's experience shows that a URL change 
>>>> suffices).
>>>> I have often wondered wether  this is incidental or specified 
>>>> behaviour.
>>> OK, I've returned to this problem. And the bug is in Apache 2.0 not 
>>> mod_perl. I was able to reproduce the serialization problem with a 
>>> plain cgi-bin script. Will report to the httpd-dev list and hopefully 
>>> it'll be resolved in the future version.
>> I'm taking my words back. I did some more testing and the same problem 
>> can be reproduced with Apache 1.3. So I have tried different browsers 
>> and chased the problem to be a browser's fault. Here is the status on 
>> linux:
>> Opera, Mozilla, Galeon - serialize the requests to the same URL.
>> Konqueror, lynx        - run both in parallel.
>> Luckily I didn't sent the bogus bug report to httpd-dev ;)
>> __________________________________________________________________
>> Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/     mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
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