Joachim Zobel wrote:
> At 09:03 02.08.2002 +0800, you wrote:
>> Joachim Zobel wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Yesterday it happened that our error log reached 2Gb. Since ours is a 
>>> linux box writing to it stopped. At the same time all database driven 
>>> functionality stopped working (Plain DBI on Mysql, no Apache::DBI). 
>>> The database was still usable through the PHP admin interface. The 
>>> filesystem was not full. When the log was rotated, everything 
>>> returned to normal.
>>> This was on a virtual Apache 1.3.26, mod_perl 1.25.
>>> Does  anybody have an idea what happened?
>> You've hit the 2GB limit.
> Yes, I know. I should have stated my question more clearly. But normally 
> it should not be a critical error if the error log can no longer be 
> written. In our case the database was not accessible (except for one 
> handler that does a very simple SELECT). My question is: How did 
> reaching the error logs 2Gb limit affect the database driver?

Could be the DBD driver problem. You should probably ask on the relevant 
list and if you find an answer please share the reason with us. Seems to 
be an interesting problem.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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