Hi there,

On Sat, 3 Aug 2002, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Joachim Zobel wrote:
> > it should not be a critical error if the error log can no longer be 
> > written. In our case the database was not accessible (except for one 
> > handler that does a very simple SELECT). My question is: How did 
> > reaching the error logs 2Gb limit affect the database driver?
> Could be the DBD driver problem.

I think Stas means "Could be a DBD driver problem."  (He's Russian you
know:)  Does the handler which does a simple SELECT *really* work or is
it fooling?  I don't think I've seen any particular known DBD problem
which would cause your trouble.  Given that one of your handlers does
work, to me it seems unlikely to be a DBD driver problem, unless
perhaps (apart from the simple SELECT statement) your driver is trying
to log something via mod_perl and Apache.  Otherwise I would suspect
Apache/modperl or even the OS.  Do your other Apache logs ever reach
2GB and, if so, does the same thing happen?  Is there anything in the
OS logs which might help?

I'd echo Stas' request - If you find an explanation, please let us know.


PS: What do you do with 2GB logs???

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