
SS>The below is a sample bit of code I am using for very simple forum
SS>software. It acts erratically, sometimes seeing the contents of the form
SS>being POSTed to it and sometimes not. If a form POSTed is under 500
SS>bytes in length it works fine. Anything higher is hit and miss.
SS>package Kittens::Community;

You don't want to use an explicit package statement in an Apache::Registry
script because Apache::Registry creates its own package name for the
current script. I can't find a on-line reference for this right now, but I
recall it causing sporadic problems.

SS>I'm thinking that the step of going from writing simple Perl CGI scripts
SS>to mod_perl is one that many people will be going through and a
SS>documenting a lot of this (basic mod_perl writing techniques) online
SS>would be incredibly helpful. So you're not just helping me, you're
SS>helping an entire future community of mod_perl developers.

You should really take some time to look through the excellent mod_perl
Guide, which is exactly this, a bunch of knowledge compiled together in a
tutorial type way. You can read the Guide on-line here:


In fact, there is a section specifically discussing converting CGI scripts
to run under mod_perl.


In general, you will get much better error reporting and if you are
running with warnings and "use strict" in all of your scripts. You can
find out how to enable these in the Guide.



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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