On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Paul Simon wrote:

> They do work as ordinary CGI scripts (thank goodness!).  The
> same scripts worked under ModPerl::Registry before I upgraded
> everything.  There are no messages in the error logs.  If I
> call the cgi page under ModPerl::Registry via a browser, it
> just hangs seemingly forever...  I can try installing a simple
> hello world handler, skipping ModPerl::Registry, and see if
> that works...

Hi Paul,
    I just uploaded a new mod_perl-2 ppm package to
http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/ which you may want to
try - this was still compiled against apache-2.0.40, but
constains a few changes to mod_perl-2 since the earlier ppm
package (you may have to uninstall the old mod_perl-2 package
before installing this one, as the version hasn't changed). This
was compiled with ActivePerl 633.
   All the tests still pass with this version, but occasionally I
get errors about Windows running low on virtual memory (this
doesn't arise with perl-5.8). If you still have problems with
this version about things hanging, try closing as many apps as
possible to free up some memory.

best regards,

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