On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 12:58:18PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Copy-n-pasted your conf and the code and I cannot reproduce the problem 
> with Apache::PerlRun.
> Do you have this problem when you run the server under 'httpd -X'?

> What mod_perl version are you using? Try to use the latest one. (though 
> PerlRun didn't change for years).
> I've tested with: mod_perl 1.27 (perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.0)

This was the environment:

   mod_perl 1.21, perl 5.005, apache 1.3.9
   (all default packages that came with Debian 2.2r7)

I finally had time to setup another machine with Debian 3.0 to test
with, and it works like it's supposed to.  Very strange...  I have no
idea what was causing the problem.  The new software is:

   mod_perl 1.26, perl 5.6.1, apache 1.3.26

Note that probably none of these packages are "standard", because
Debian tends to patch a lot of software, so it's typically not 100% the
same as if you download mod_perl from perl.apache.org and ran
"./configure && make && make install"...  It makes it more difficult to
tell what was causing the problem.

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