I have three machines, only one of which has the problem:

These do not have the problem:
2.4.18-3smp/Apache 1.3.24/perl 5.6.1/mod_perl 1.26

2.4.7-10smp/Apache 1.3.24/perl 5.6.0/mod_perl 1.26

This one does:

2.4.18-5smp/Apache 2.0.40/perl 5.6.1/mod_perl 1.99_05

All the code is the same.  I have a form that has ~40 fields, one of
which takes fields up to a couple hundred characters (textarea).  I get
unpredictable results with the 2.0 machine in terms of mod_perl making
breaks between different fields based on the form data if it has special
characters (/'&< or some combination therein).

The workaround to this is to use  enctype="multipart/form-data" on the
form itself even though there is no file upload.

I am just posting this to the board so that if someone sees the same
thing, he/she will know the workaround and maybe somebody will try to
duplicate it (although I had trouble duplicating it or differentiating
it myself).


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