
Much easier to read would be:

sub handler {
    my $r = Apache::Request->new(shift);
    my $file_name = $r->param('see_below');
    my $file = $r->upload('see_below');
    if ($file) {
        # here you go...
        # filehandle is in $file->fh;

On the HTML side, <input type=file> should read:
    <input type=file name=see_below>

Note: If you ever use them in file posts, don't forget to clean the file
names, especially when it comes from Windows machine...


Alan écrivit:

> Hi folks.  I'm new to the list, and relatively new to mod_perl, but a
> big project thrown my way put me right in the middle, and I think I've
> fared well so far, with one exception... file uploads.  I've based my
> code off the apache::request documentation and the file upload code
> snippet posted here and on the site.
> I have the following configured:
> ...snip... 
> ---------------------------------

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