The linked page is great, especially the first picture.

Problem in authentication:  if mod_perl returns cached header and the
document is proxy cached in the plain Apache, the backend authentication
handler (in the mod_perl server) will not be able to protect it.

Peter Bi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ask Bjoern Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: performance regarding mod_perl vs mod_c with embedded perl
> You don't do that for "raw performance" as measured in a typical
> simple benchmark environment.  The dual setup is used to not
> needlessly waste resources in a "real" setup.
> Raw benchmark numbers will come out a bit lower, but you don't care
> as a proper setup will save you LOTS of memory, database connections
> and what have you not.
> (Click "Next" on the top of each slide to progress ... The first few
> slides looks weird in Mozilla 1.0 on my Linux box but are fine in
> Chimera on Mac OS X - get a Mac! :-) )
>  - ask
> --
> ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();

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