On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

> > Problem:  Sometimes, although user entered correct password, is
> > authentication rejected. I tried logging values of $real_pass and
> > $test_pass and they differed. When I add line
> Did anyone figure this out?
> The following content handler gives a different output everytime I
> restart my threaded mod_perl 2.0.  Dm8yjkphWW352 is the correct
> answer; I get that after about a third of the restarts.

FWIW, the following test program (also with 5.8.0 with threads
(duh)) doesn't seem to have a problem with crypt.

use threads;
for (1..50) { threads->create("test"); }

map { $_->join } grep { $_->tid != threads->tid } threads->list;

sub test {
  my $salt    = "Dm";
  my $clear   = "foo";
  for (1..10000) {
    my $crypted = crypt($clear,$salt);
    print "$crypted\n" if $crypted ne "Dm8yjkphWW352";

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, http://www.askbjoernhansen.com/ !try; do();

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