I use own PerlAuthenHandler module to verify users' login and password from

For comparsion of password user entered and password stored in database is
crypt function used.

Here is the code:
my $real_pass = $d->[0][0];     # crypted password from database
my $salt = substr $real_pass,0,2;       # salt
my $test_pass = crypt $sent_pw,$salt;   # in $sent_pw is the password user entered
if ($real_pass eq $test_pass) {
        $r->subprocess_env(REMOTE_USER => $user);
        return OK;
} else {
        return AUTH_REQUIRED;

Problem:  Sometimes, although user entered correct password, is authentication
rejected. I tried logging values of $real_pass and $test_pass and they
differed. When I add line

$r->log_reason("User $user tested (".$real_pass."/".$test_pass.")...","");

just before 'if' statement behavior is most of time correct.

Can anybody help me? Thanks.


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