Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
What confuses me is how anyone with a *programming* background admires
PHP over Perl, or can say that Perl "doesn't scale" or PHP is better
for "large web sites".  Obviously, they're comparing Perl-CGI with
PHP, not mod_perl/$templating_system with PHP, which would be a much
fairer comparison.
I absolutely agree. I learned PHP _before_ I learned mod_perl and _after_ I learned Perl/CGI. I actually didn't even know mod_perl existed when I learned PHP. I have a feeling many people are in the same boat.

Anyone who has a sufficient itch will learn that mod_perl is a fantastic back scratcher. I am generally able to show people the huge difference by explaining the implementation of authentication and authorization in an application. Where in PHP I had to include an seperate .php file which verified my sessions, in mod_perl I simple whip up an AccessHandler or Authorization handler that quietly protects my app's innards.

But for folks who are just throwing a page up, and have PHP services available with an ISP/host, I can understand it's use.

Cory 'G' Watson

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