Hi Wes --

> I really like your approach, and appreciate your explanation. I'm
> wondering
> how you handle the packaging and installation; do you just use a shell
> script to put the different pieces where they belong, or have you devised
> something else?

Something else!  Files don't get installed all over the system -- they all
stay together.  We use environment variables (PERL5LIB, HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT,
etc.) set by the web server configuration to point to where the assets are

This assures that installing and upgrading doesn't involve managing a spider
web of files all over the operating system.  FYI, in production we typically
create a UNIX user who owns all project files, and put all these files in
that user's home directory.  This simplifies management enormously.

> Right now I'm also using CVS for my web development, and have the modules
> built around ExtUtils::ModuleMaker. The server gets updated via the
> standard perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install.

Very cool!  If you make conscience use of the built-in mechanism for
regression testing for your web apps you will really have a fantastic
software development factory.

>    I don't really have the bin and cron types of things
> from your system well integrated; they seem too peripheral to include with
> the 'make install' stuff. Of course another consideration is that I'm
> developing for an intranet, not deploying to external customers, so I have
> a lot more control of the production server.

The only difference here is that your job continues beyond the project,
where our job (as contractors) generally scales down.  IOW, if something
unplanned comes up, you are probably going to be available to answer
questions.  If you can isolate all project related files to a single UNIX
user you will have a tremendously portable and maintainable environment.
For example, even the cron-processes on our sites run as the user who owns
the project files.




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

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