On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 17:09, John Saylor wrote:
> Hi
> ( 02.10.30 03:22 -0500 ) Perrin Harkins:
> > They didn't make their decision on performance though.  They seem to 
> > have been most influenced by the idea that perl allows too much 
> > flexibility in coding style, although I can't see how PHP is going to 
> > help with that.
> Wow, I'd like what *they* had for lunch!
> Quasi-seriously, as someone who has had to maintain mountains of bad
> perl code, I know TMTOWTDI can have a downside; but the openness of the
> language is what has lead to its greatness ...
> -- 
> .--- ...

Now we're going down to the ugly details of the article :)
As Perrin noted they are probably going to use C/C++ to make the
fundamentals of the application, like the framework the API, interface
whatever, and use PHP as a templating language to iterate over the
datastructures etc.

I've just converted some totally unmaintainable code from PHP to perl
(actually, i've rewritten it because everything was done in the wrong
way (tm)). To write big and advanced applications in pure PHP is a big
mistake IMHO, but to use it as a templating language doesn't sound as
such a bad idea.

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