well I have read all (whatever scanty little
available) docs on mod_perl 2 and am pretty

For example Apache::Request is not ready yet so you
need Apache::compat and mod_perl 1 for basic POST
request handling and parsing.

In my opinion, stay with mod_perl 1.

-Sumitro Chowdhury.

--- Ged Haywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> On 1 Nov 2002, Clinton Gormley wrote:
> > I'm struggling to get anything much working with
> mod_perl 2.
> [snip]
> > I have read all of the documentation on
> perl.apache.org.
> Are you sure?  :)
> > If these things should be working,
> Well it does say on the home page that it's the
> "Bleeding Edge".
> > where can I find out how to use them?
> Here.  mod_perl for Apache 2.x is still at the
> development stage, but
> people are using it.  You can more specific help if
> you ask a more
> specific question (but you won't get it from me, I
> haven't even looked
> at Apache 2.x yet:).
> 73,
> Ged.

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