I believe that there is a bug in the Apache::AuthenNTLM module.


I have an Apache server with ColdFusion MX 6 installed, there is a
requirement for NTLM authentication with the server.

I implemented the PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenNTLM to solve this


With ColdFusion you can call the same page eg the line_main2.cfm can be
called from the line_main2.cfm with different parameters. Unfortunately
the client PC does not seem to pass the NTLM/Basic Authorization Header
the second time the page is called.

An error appears in the error.log

[Fri Nov  8 09:03:58 2002] [error] access to
/cf_dev/objectives/line_main2.cfm failed for  , reason: Bad/Missing
NTLM/Basic Authorization Header for /cf_dev/objectives/line_main2.cfm


Apache::AuthenNTLM (version 0.21)

Server version: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)


Alias /cf_dev/objectives/ "/baewwwroot/cf_dev/objectives/"

<Directory "/baewwwroot/cf_dev/objectives">
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenNTLM
        AuthType ntlm
        AuthName "Windows Authentication Required"
        require valid-user
        PerlAddVar ntdomain "BAEA baeapdc sbntfp1"
        PerlAddVar ntdomain "BAEADEV bantdev1"
        PerlSetVar defaultdomain BAEA

Brett Hales

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