On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Beau E. Cox wrote:

> Hi -
> Just wondering about DBI modules in 5.8.
> In both Randy's posted ppm packages list and via
> 5.8's ppm, I can't find:
> DBI (plain 'ole)
> DBD-Mysql
> I know this is beta, but are DBI modulrs such as
> these forthcoming?
> Aloha => Beau.

In ActiveState's announcement about the beta release they say
that they expect to support a complete 5.8 ppm repository when an
official release is made. There's no estimate given of when that
might be. The modules you mention above though I have compliled
and tested some with perl-5.8, and I'll add them to our
repository if they're not in ActiveState's.
best regards,

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